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Why be a Green Landlord?

By Power Properties

With Earth Day coming up on April 22nd, 2024, being a Calgary landlord goes beyond rent collection. You can provide a comfortable, eco-friendly space for tenants and be a sustainability champion! Sustainable property management is a triple win: good for you, your tenants, and Calgary's beautiful environment.

Why Be a Green Hero?

Sustainable practices aren't just feel-good. They save money on utilities by reducing energy and water use. Plus, Calgarians are increasingly looking for green rentals. By offering eco-friendly features, you can attract responsible tenants and potentially command higher rents.

Calgary's Got Your Back: Blue and Green Bins

Calgary makes it easy to be sustainable with their blue recycling bin and green compost bin program. Easily find your bin pickup schedule here: https://www.calgary.ca/waste/residential/garbage-schedule.html

Small Steps, Big Impact

Start with simple, cost-effective changes. Swap traditional bulbs for LEDs. Install low-flow showerheads, faucets and toilets to conserve water. Drafty windows and doors can be a tenant's nightmare – seal them up to keep everyone happy and utility bills low.

Think Long-Term Green

As you budget for renovations, consider eco-friendly materials like bamboo flooring or recycled insulation. Invest in energy-efficient appliances like washer-dryers, refrigerators or even furnaces – they may have a higher upfront cost but save on energy bills in the long run. Explore solar panels – they can significantly reduce your property's carbon footprint and even generate income through excess energy production.

Being a sustainable landlord is an ongoing process, but every step you take makes a difference. By incorporating these earth-friendly practices, you're creating a better living environment for your tenants, reducing your impact on the planet, and potentially boosting your bottom line. It's a win-win for everyone, and a great way to be a Calgary superstar landlord!

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